O.P. Disabling Links In Messenger
At my company we allow people to use MSN/Live messenger, the problem with this is we get quite a few viruses come through messenger, because people just click on links from their friends.
I found out today that you can disable the links in conversation windows, I think this would dramatically cut down the amount of messenger viruses we get, if I could roll it out company wide
I know how to do this on individual machines (in messenger click tools - options - security then untick the allow links in the conversation window option) and i know how to do there is a registry key you can change (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\PerPassportSettings\) but that needs indiviual passport numbers, which is fine for indiviual machines but not if i want to roll this out to everyone in the company.
Does anyone know of a way around this?