O.P. Freezing on one e-mail only
We have three e-mails that we use in our family for MSN. Two of them work fine, one of them started freezing up the whole computer not just MSN. Of course its the primary one we use. ARRGGHHHH! So somewhere we read maybe its off-line messages. But unless you can log-in you can't stop the off-line messages from popping up. We have uninstalled and reinstalled, tried downloading and older version with no luck (wouldn't let me log-in, insisted on installing the new version). Its my daughter's account and she got logged in at a friend's house so it seems to be us. She turned off the off-line message thing so they can't pop up but it STILL won't load here at home no matter how many times I re-install, yet it works just fine for mine. So why would it work on another computer and not at home? How does the stupid thing KNOW we are at home? Or what could be wrong on my computer that won't let her's load. HELP PLEASE!!!!
I don't really understand computers so you have to explain it in idiot language but I can follow instructions if you have any ideas.