O.P. Skin's Option Button
I'm working on a Skin for the public beta of Messenger 2009 and I have a problem with my Skin's options button. The button appear in the contact list but when I press it the Skin's Option window does not appear. Could someone please help me?
Here is the code I put in UI File 1001
<*PlusSkin Conditions(DispSkinOptionsBtn = true) *>
<button class="HIGToolbarButton" id=Atom(skinbtn) cmdid=7460 padding=rcrect("",20136) layout=borderlayout() AccRole=43 AccDefAction=rcstr("",20500) Tooltip=true active=3|4 AddBehavior=DUI::ToolbarControl(atom(ButtonTextId)) accname="Options du Skin" accdesc="Affiche les Options du Skin">
<ButtonIcon class="HIGToolbarIcon" content=rcimg("msgr",395) ContentAlign=5 padding=rcrect("",20140)/>
<element layoutpos=2 ContentAlign=5 layout=filllayout()>
Thank you
This post was edited on 11-05-2008 at 02:53 PM by Guena.