O.P. Support chat
As those who are active on the IRC side know, the support chat channel (#msgplus) does get a lot of questions, but most of the time there is nobody to answer them. I don't know if this is just a single incident, but if one person thinks the same way as him then maybe some brainstorming would be in order to improve the support.
[14:29:04] <Tim> god this place sucks def wont be downloading messenger plus, lack of support
This is after Nitro (Thor) tried to help him, but then had to leave.
Obviously I realise myself that it's done by volunteers and that nobody can expect us to be able to answer questions 24/7, but I don't think the users who need help understand it (another very common thing is people entering, saying HELLO IS ANYONE THERE I NEED HELPPPPP and then leaving the minute after, so even if someone who is willing to help checks the channel he most likely will have missed the person, as I doubt anyone sits with that channel open all the time).