Javascript code:
var WSS = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
WSS.RegDelete(MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath + "\\...");
1) This can delete a key, but not a folder. Is is possible to remove a folder?
Javascript code:
var Name = "Script Name";
var Enabled = 0;
WSS.RegWrite("HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Patchou\\Messenger Plus! Live\\GlobalSettings\\Scripts\\" + Name + "\\Enabled", Enabled.toString(16));
2) This does uncheck the script in the Messenger Plus! options, but it does not actually disable the script. Is it possible to stop a script with another method?
Javascript code:
WSS.RegRead("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Patchou\\Messenger Plus! Live\\ScriptsDir");
3) Is that right? Can that be used to open the folder in Windows Explorer?