O.P. Requesting msn narrator
Please! I looking for a Messenger Plus script that reads back messages that you receive via Microsoft Sam or Microsoft Anna. +speech does the right way I want it to but I don't want it to load the speech to text app built into Windows, its very annoying having it open the speech app everytime. I deleted the speech exe from my pc but then the +speech script returns an error saying my speech not configured right or I dont have speech 5.1 installed, I hat this, I just want a script that reads incoming messages. thats it. In the +speech script I see that it has to do with the code:
function OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage(wnd, origin, message, messageKind)
if(messageKind == 1 && settings["message"] == "true" && origin != Messenger.MyName) {
please if someone can find me a script like this that reads incomming messeges please send me it, or if you can make it please do so
also if the original creator of +speach is reading this please make a script just with the narrating part, not the speech to text thing.
Attachment: +Speech-1.0.plsc (7.27 KB)
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