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Spambots and Yahoo contacts that keep re-appearing in Tools>Privacy>Block/Allow lists
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O.P. Spambots and Yahoo contacts that keep re-appearing in Tools>Privacy>Block/Allow lists
Recently, I decided to have a 'fresh start' with a new MSN Messenger address. It took a long time to successfully transfer people accross (some were still lost in the transfer), but it had to be done, due to my previous Hotmail's spam and so many random adds from webcam girls, spambots etc.

However, I am already starting to get he same problems on this new account as I had always had previously:

(1) I never use this new email address to sign up for anything, and I don't have it displayed anywhere on the internet (forums etc.), but I am already getting a steady stream of unwanted spam/marketing contacts adding me.

All of them have "http://www.Hello9801.com" or "http://www.Hey111.com" in their Windows Live profiles. These urls both lead to random sexual dating websites.

Because these piece-of-shit bots are adding me, they are filling my tools>privacy>allow/block lists with their crappy fake email addresses, and the delete option is greyed out (as the bot's account still has me added).

Does Microsoft have any policy of removing such accounts and email addresses from their system, if we report them? Obviously this kind of thing could be abused (people reporting their friend's/enemy's email addresses etc.), but with the URLs of those crappy websites in their profiles, its pretty clear-cut that these are undesirables. I can't believe they still have Windows Live accounts after a few months, and Microsoft have seemingly done nothing.

(2) I am getting problems with Yahoo contacts, who I have deleted and do not have me added, reappearing on my tools>privacy>allow/block lists every so often. The delete option is always available, as they don't have me added, but they keep reappearing (especially wen I log-in somewhere unfamiliar, like an internet cafe). Not a huge deal, but quite annoying.

Is there anything I can do about this?

(3) I would rather put these questions to the Windows Live solution forums, but I am in Thailand and the page always suddenly becomes Thai language when I try to enter it. The Bing translator doesn't help me on that page either. Is there a link to the English language site?


02-27-2011 02:40 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Spambots and Yahoo contacts that keep re-appearing in Tools>Privacy>Block/Allow lists - by Kyriakin on 02-27-2011 at 02:40 PM
RE: Spambots and Yahoo contacts that keep re-appearing in Tools>Privacy>Block/Allow lists - by CookieRevised on 02-27-2011 at 05:01 PM
RE: Spambots and Yahoo contacts that keep re-appearing in Tools>Privacy>Block/Allow lists - by Kyriakin on 03-07-2011 at 08:22 AM
RE: Spambots and Yahoo contacts that keep re-appearing in Tools>Privacy>Block/Allow l - by CookieRevised on 03-07-2011 at 12:14 PM

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