Originally posted by CookieRevised
Create a Quick-Text:
In the Message-box, you type:
/persostat 1
#/run rundll32 user32.dll LockWorkStation
Optional Alias: /SwitchUser
Check the box: "Shortcut automatically sends text"
Now you can type /SwitchUser in a chat or use the shortcut (ALT+<number>) to set personal status 1, go into the "switch user"-state and close the chat...
Ps: /close must be the LAST command, because after /close the rest of the Quick-Text isn't executed.
sounds like a plan, just gotta get used to pressing another key combo than Win+L
But i still would like msgplus to do the boss protection thing automatically.
thanks for the info.
edit: small problem: the #/close command and /close command cause an error saying "sorry this command is not recognized. if the text was not supposed to be a command type // at the beggining"
what is the right text to type ? it does the rundll command, it switches to the login window, but this msg appears right after.