Originally posted by king_of_cool_kids
I need some help with my site. The forums are perfect (nice job myBB team).
I have a site and want to add the following to it:
To the contact form:
* Send auto email after submitting to let user know email has been recieved (requires database??)
Well, PHP doesn't know if you received the mail, but knows for sure if it has been sent. Doesn't need a db
* Let a user submit only 5 times a day to reduce spam (database or cookies??)
don't rely on cookies if you can use sessions or db. But if it's not a big thing you can use simple text, ini or inc.php files
* Only click submit once to reduce spam (php please, no silly javascript codes)
* Send it to both me and someone else (simple little code like:
mail( "email@email.com, email@email.com", "Runescape Fan Site Mail"??)
I prefer something stable and unpreventable, eg: not javascript, cause it can be turned off by spammer in the form etc, so php would be nice. I have a database if you need it for the code. Let me know what to do. Much thanks to anyone who can help.
P.S: Also, if you need the files of mine, here they are:
I cna't help you right now, I'm real busy with own coding (ie KSMAS), but if you know a big of PHP and have the official manuals and APIs you can do that easily.