Originally posted by CookieRevised
Because mine is patched already with polygamy. Are you using by any chance an XOR-function to switch the byte (aka swap the byte between "patched"/"not-patched")? Because if the byte was already patched and you use such method, then you actually are unpatching the file...
PS: also, there are more possible values to patch to get Polygamy (some better then others)
I suggest to change 0xB7 to 0xB6 on memory location 0x004DFFE1, nothing else (blah, I didn't say that ).
Well even yours patched or any patched msnmsgr.exe, let me remind here something important, this loader will not enter in binary mode the main msn exe, it will only read the main msn installed directory location, and read "msnmsgr.exe" then run it if found and its the correct version mean 6.2.0137. Then it will search the offsets while loading it, that’s mean when you are seeing the main msn windows loaded in front of you by using this loader that’s mean its already read the whole data and do the required changes for sure by not editing any data in msnmsgr.exe and as i said it will let you use your msn.
1- with no banner on it
2- With signing in using appears offline mode
3 - Multiple instances from this loader
If you still not believing me that may be I’am cheating on something, honestly do a file compare when you run my loader and open your main msn window just go to msn installed directory and copy the file "msnmsgr.exe" paste it anywhere and then reinstall msn 6.2.0137 and compare the already pasted one with the original exe you will see that no any changes
no I’am not using XOR
NOTE: Still this loader will do its job after any kind of polygamy or other multimsn methodic coded patches