Originally posted by The Boss
mean even patched or not patched it will search that adress and do its job
So you search for a byte sequence instead of using a fixed address? In that case, this will be the cause... If Messenger is hard patched on some offsets, the ones you search for or the ones you use to check the version, it can't find anything and thus it will not be patched.... If your this loader version is specific for only 1 version (6.2.0137) then there is no need to search for the proper byte sequence and it will be "safer" to just patch the byte at the offset I told you
Originally posted by The Boss
If byte = "A" then
byte = B
ElseIf byte = "B" then
byte = A
Not bad idea its nice
Actually it will cause already (hard) patched files to be unpatched in memory. Again resulting in your loader not working...
Originally posted by The Boss
and iam really surprised you are saying "No it doesnt" its strange we must wait and see other users what they will post
Just hard patch your original messenger on offset 0x000DFFE1 (change 0xB7 to 0xB6) and test this yourself
The above patch is to enable polygamy (and btw, the exact patch that JnrzLoader also uses)...