Firstly i do not want any lovers of plus to go argue with maurio becuase of this post......
Originally posted by
No, and it never will be. The reason is a technical one and has to do with how both applications create an instance of the messenger object. Because both apps use a non standard method to do this it causes instability in MSN Messenger if more than one app does it.
but then......
Originally posted by patch
And for reference, of course Messenger Mate could be compatiblewith Plus!. I know several plugins that use the same technique and we're all compatible, don't hide yourself behind "technial" reasons when there are none. Idon't want to cause troubles to your new project but the very least you could do is being honest.
i see a little war comming on...
patchou wrote:
And for reference, of course Messenger Mate could be compatiblewith Plus!. I know several plugins that use the same technique and we're all compatible
Really, please name all the other addons that create an instance of the Messenger object without calling CoCreateInstance. I only know M:M and MP! that do this, and of course, you didn't even write the code in MP! to do this, Will did. I've spoken to Will about it and he aknowledges the problem, maybe you should talk to him too seeing you don't seem to understand what the code he wrote for you is doing. You keep hiding behind the line 'Will just saved me some time' but after all this time you've never tried to come up with your own code to do it, I wonder why.
oh look more fun
Once again,you talk without knowing. Will did a very good job searching for a way to get the Messenger API in MSN Messenger 6 without calling CoCreateInstance(), however, despite the fact that the idea is still the same, I do use a very modified method nowadays, which works better than the original. There's absolutely no problem with it and you're the only one inthe entire community to be complaining about it. Why do you and some others keep bringing him into this kind of discussion when he has nothing to do there? why do you keep saying that I didn't write the code to make Plus! compatible with Messenger 6 when its 100% wrong, stupid and without any real argument?
dum deee dum
In your last public whinge on your forum you stated Will wrote the code, so you need to check yourself. I've never stated publicly you didn't write the code to make MP! compatible with Messenger, so again, please check yourself.
I'm still waiting for you to name all the other addons that you know of that don't use Cocreateinstance, or do I just assume this is another one of your baseless claims?
Anyway, as for naming another plugin, I know itseasy but it's valid: the interactive agents plugin. It's a plugin I made for another company some years ago, it's been revamped and they will start the distribution of the beta version in a week orso (check products from IMT Labs). I had no problem making another plugin compatible with Plus!, and that's why Itell you I still don't see why you are experiencing any.
blah i give up