Originally posted by Sunshine
I think you should uninstall Stuffplug, reboot and reinstall it. It looks like something going wrong with Stuffplug polygamy. I also advice you to do a virusscan (f.e. http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/ ), since i haven't seen this happening before.
just did a virus scan last nite, so don't think i will have a virus. since i haven't done owt with my computer since then.
after ending the process for msn and restarting messenger, everything seems to be fine. so i will hold off the reinstallation for now. but if i get any more problems i will reinstall
if any1 actually knows what the problem was can u please post and explain
* toddy looks towards tb and cookie
i don't have polygamy on !! coz i'm using 6.2 still
another bug
found another bug, can someone else test this.
turn on the boost message to 10,000. then try fullin it with emoticons but use the short cuts : p or : ) and so one. when i tryed sendin it, msn crashed ! does the same happen to you