hmm... fair post, but one bit which really annoyed me:
"The main problem is that if you want to set your nick to a gradient colour, you can't make it more than about 10 characters or you overflow the limit of a nick. If you take a look at BetterName you can see that it dynamically and cleverly drops formatting, in such a way as to minimise how noticeable it is to the user, allowing much longer nicknames with gradients. Why not add this?"
This is very very untrue! NickEXP!2 is tested + officially does more gradient letters than BetterMSN!, Some screenies to prove...
Using, Bold Text on both, with a black BG:
NickEXP!2, Holds TazTazTazTazTa - 14 Characters!
BetterMSN, Holds, TazTazTazTa - 11 Characters!
So dont make stuff up
+ by the sounds of things we can be expecting a REPLICA . 5-0 in the new BetterMSN
...ah welll