O.P. RE: Unistall Msg+
I must appologize for my rudness of my last post i have succsessfully uninstalled the piece of........unindstalled Msg+... no coment.. my fault...although i didnt install the "sponser"... it was just me being stupid.. silly me**slaps herself** as for the virius it was a msn virius.......literly the virius atacks msn users and allows people to hack ur emails.....i am currently on my third msn account... and i might have to create YET another account...becasue my latest one was hacked before i got to use... btw if ur friends gives u a joke....... that sends a window up looking like the msn sign in window dont trust it.. not only does it have the msn virius.. if u put ur password and email it give it to the person who gave it to u!!