Originally posted by *mgr328*
once i installed Messenger Plus again i didnt install any plugins/addons and it still went slow
It's well possible that the plugins where still there. To remove the plugins completely you also must uninstall them individually. Mostly this means just deleting the DLL files, but beware that not all plugins will be completely removed like that; sometimes settings and such are left in the registry. So to completely remove a certain plugin, read the documentation that comes with it.
You also could disable the plugins by checking the option in Messenger Plus!: "
Plus! > Preferences > Plugins > Allow Messenger Plus! to load plugins in my account", this requires a restart from MSN Messenger though. In this way you can see if the problem still exists when MSN Messenger AND Messenger Plus! is running, but WITHOUT plugins...
If the above is the case (when plugins are disabled the problem is gone), then the problem is cause by a certain plugin. To find out what plugin, you could enable again the option describe above. And deselect every single plugin in the list. Then select one plugin from the list, click "ok", and restart MSN Messenger, so you only load/use 1 particular plugin at the time. Do this for each plugin and everytime check if the problem occurs...
Originally posted by *mgr328*
THANK U THANK UTHANK U it works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you mean you don't have the problem anymore? What exacty did you do? Was it a particular plugin, if so, which one?