Originally posted by Guillaume
-dt-, I tried your script and I got:
That was because you had to remove the code that echoed text. As I said above, you should get rid of that if you're outputting an image. I see that it's gone in the latest code you posted, so good.
Originally posted by Guillaume
And WDZ, How do you add line breaks between strings?
In a regular string, you would use the line break character as Segosa said, \n. But in an image, you need to increase the vertical coordinate in your imagestring() function to go to a new line (see the $line = $line +10; in dt's code).
Originally posted by Guillaume
Did I do something wrong?
Yeah, this...
$rumble_pit \n $team_skirmish
should be inside a string...
But like I said, you can't use a line break in an image. You have to do something like this...
$line = 5;
imagestring($im, 1, 5, $line, $rumble_pit, $text_color);
$line = $line + 10;
imagestring($im, 1, 5, $line, $team_skirmish, $text_color);
That will create an image with a 1 and a 5 below it. If you want labels, just use strings like so...
$line = 5;
imagestring($im, 1, 5, $line, "Rumble pit: $rumble_pit", $text_color);
$line = $line + 10;
imagestring($im, 1, 5, $line, "Team skirmish: $team_skirmish", $text_color);
Now that will show the following text on the image...
Rumble pit: 1
Team skirmish: 5