Ask any one on msn. i do know english u know.
And i just redid everything AGAIN. ok i removed the last 2 paras i had copied. u know why i use shortcuts in typing here. thats cause u can understand it. but that wont do in rules cause at first i didnt understand all those shortcuts so i avoid them
This is the final thing ok whole thing i have typed. no stealing [even though tasha wont believe me cause she thinks she know all but u should give ppl credit ok. we also know some things. i have been on the earth for 17 years. cant i also know a few things or are u gonna be the only one]
this is it
Pc Tech Forums - Rules
-Anything not contribute to the cause mabbe considered spam.
-Plz try to be the in thread and donot deviate from its motive.
-posts having only emotes or messages like "lol" or "hello" only r spam
-no advertising is allowed unless asked for by some member as in help to a quetion
-Members must be given respect. no name calling and fights shall be tolerated.
-Swearing is allowed but dont over do it. we will have to edit them. We need to keep it a bit clean. Try using ***** with only the 1st letters visible.
-Messages showld be clearly readable. no ALL CAPS or AlTeRnAtE CaPs allowed.
-Nothing illegal is allowed. No warez or cracks or porn allowed. we are not responsible for the concequences.
-Files having too large dimensions should be avoided as they ruin the page layout. Try not uploading pics having large sizes as ppl having slow connections will have to wait a long time.
-Maximum signature dimensions should be such as to not ruin the page format. Also the size shouldnt be too large to avoid long time to download. Try to keep it simple guyz.
-Some of the rules/guidelines listed above are not enforced as strictly in the T&T forum, but they may still apply. Double posting should be avoided and bumping is allowed.
-If you do not follow the rules, we have the right to edit or delte your posts. And if it is necessary we may have to ban you as well. Then you should not try to make a new account and access any part of the forums.
In short nothing illegal is allowed and no spamming guys. Incase of any problem the dession of the administration is final.
edit: i didnt double post there man. some one deleted something. i dunno who did that. i cant seem to convince u guyz but i swear that alll of this is true. if not what ever u say is fine by me. i am so sure that all i have written is truely mine. i have typed every word with my own 2 hands. Thats all i have to say.