Originally posted by Titty
I thought of two ways to do this.
In Photoshop, you can go to slice images, and slice it and then go back and code it and include your text. (I haven't tried this but I'm pretty sure it might work.)
Also, you could just div align it. That's even easier if you're too lazy to slice images. ;p
Alright, I just looked at his source.
He has the main image as the background, and then aligned the
text to fit ontop of the 'background'.
Yeah i saw that on a code of a example template can u tell me how to div? please pelase..
Originally posted by blade
I think the easiest way to do it would be to seperate the top, then set the bottom part as a repeating image in the back of a table, or as a stationary image in the back of a table with an iframe over top of it.
Not the same i think..