Originally posted by Vinnie14
im having a problem playing games on steam (DoD and CS). What it is, is that when i try playing in opengl just after ive connected to a server my monitor shuts off as if it is on standby, and it wont come back on unless i reboot my pc. To solve this i tried chaging it to D3D but it just crashes completely when i connect. ive tried changing resolution and that doesnt work. it workd when i had a TNT2 Ultra graphcs card and Win98SE but it wont work now ive got: WinXP SP2 and an ATI Sapphire Radeon 9600 pro advantage ddr dvi card.
Any ideas???
thanks in advance
For all the things i have tried heres the thread on the official steam forums, curently gone dead though 
I also had something simular a few days ago. I didn't have a clue so we payed a guy to fix it.
He said that the problem was an incompatibality of some hardware (my keyboard/mouse weren't compatible with my graphic tablet).
Hope this helps.