The reason why Patchou had to change the directory this way is because when updating Messenger Plus! some Anti Spyware programs would complain about the changes. Unfortunatly to save all of us headaches this was done.
Originally posted by Conversation with Patchou on MSN
[07:07:15 PM] Matty: the other is if you uninstall Plus! and reinstall
(without restarting) it installs Plus! to
%ProgramFiles%\MessengerPlus! 3 and when you go to load
up Plus! again you can get errors with Plugins of the
plugin dir changing in the registry
Some conversation was removed because its pointless
[07:07:56 PM] Patchou: you want to knwothe real reason for the dir
[07:08:07 PM] Matty: cause MsgPlusLoader.dll is in use
[07:08:12 PM] Matty: and cannot be removed
[07:08:19 PM] Matty: or overwritten
[07:08:25 PM] Patchou: it's because the first beta of MS
Antispyware was poping up a deadly warning when Plus!
was installing in its old defaultdirectory, saying that
a big threat was being installed...
[07:08:30 PM] Patchou: so as a result, ichanged the dir