O.P. Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
I've been trying to get MSN Messenger to open my hotmail through Firefox for a few months now. Actually I gave up a couple of months ago and thought I'd re-try it now that MSNM 7 is out. Anyway, after searching this site I've seen a number of people say:
MS messenger will open IE no matter what you do. It's hard-coded to open IE and only IE.
And others say get Messenger Plus and StuffPlug and it will work. After numerous tries and hours of searching here, the Plus forum and the StuffPlug forum I can still only get Messenger to do two things: either open in IE or, if I check the box to open in my default browser (which is, obviously Firefox) it does nothing.
Any clues as to what I could try next?
Thanks if you have any ideas!