O.P. Trouble Connecting
Hi All, I can't connect to the MSN Messenger service since yesterday. It says there is a problem with my connection.
I went to Tools/Opction/Connection/Advance Settings/ and "Test TCP Connection":
"Resolving the server name...
Connecting to the server...
Connected, verifying ability to send data now...
Success, you can connect to the Messenger Service."
The same for the SOCKS version 5, when using "Your Freedom".
But in the Connection, "Test Connection" give me an error:
"Please wait while the troubleshooter checks your system for connectivity ...
The troubleshooter has determined that you may not have Internet connectivity. Please make sure that your Internet connection is working by using the Windows network troubleshooter."
All internet is working good, I just can't connect to the Messenger service and to Ares Galaxy Network. I've try my local support and they just suggest to release and renew my IP, that didn't work.
Thank you for your help.