Originally posted by Ezra
Stream 0
Media Type 0:
Media Type 1:
Maybe that helps
Those things are of no use though...
Originally posted by Ezra
If found another thread about that codec I was talking about: http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t14141.html
That thread is about something entirly different...
Originally posted by Ezra
EDIT: I have the codec, but still i'm unable to render the file
Yep, because the file has errors and improper coding information:
After checking the wave file myself manually:
The "fmt" chunck in the file has wrong (missing?) values...
- FourCC: 0x0011
- Wave Format (codec): DVI_ADPCM *Intel Corporation
- Channels: 1 (=mono)
- number of frames per second (Sample Rate): 8000 Hz
- number of bytes per second (AvgBytesPerSecond): 0 (This is stored wrong AFAIK; this shouldn't be 0 and will render many playback software useless)
- number of bytes per frame: (Block Alignment): 0 (This is stored wrong AFAIK; this shouldn't be 0)
- number of bits per sample (BitsPerSample): 0 bps(This is stored wrong AFAIK; this shouldn't be 0, but in this case 3 or 4)
- number of samples per block: (SamplesPerBlock): 0 bps (This is stored wrong AFAIK; although this value can also be calculated from the above values, this shouldn't be 0 as software can and will use this value to initialize buffers)
All this makes that the file will not be playable unless you know (and fix) the proper values first within the file. To do this you need to learn about the DVI_ADPCM fileformat and DVI_ADPCM decoding/encoding format and how to hexedit a file. This probably requires much guessing and also studying the data stored within the file to determine the original and proper values.
To find specific info about this particular format (and codec) I suggest to search for the very old "riffnew.doc" from microsoft, a file which can be found in some "Programmer's References" from MS-Press. I don't have the document anymore, but I remember it describes the RIFF wave format in all its details and it is quite possible you can find old references to it by searching google for "riffnew.doc" (eg: links to "MS development kits" or "SDK's" which contain this doc).