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Am I just not looking properly or is it not possible to remove the "reconnect time"
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RE: Am I just not looking properly or is it not possible to remove the "reconnect tim
Originally posted by King For A Day
click cancel then sign in again
sorry, but that doesn't make much sense....

Originally posted by jin11
Hey.. I was just wondering, because I remember a while back when MSG Plus got updated one feature was that there would be no more waiting on the reconnection.. or was I just dreaming about that?

Anyways.. if this hasn't been implemented is it possible to do so? 'Cause I really hate having to wait like 5 mins or more on reconnection.

Thanks for the help.. regards, jin.
hmmm... I also remember something like that, but to make sure I've checked the advanced registry settings of Messenger Plus!. The only thing related to this is the newly added (since 3.54.132) delay in auto-signing in when you start up MSN Messenger (Key: DelayedSignin).

So, I'm not sure if there was any talk about setting a delay for re-signing in after a disconnection though (If not, it could be a nice idea). Although after thinking about it, maybe there was some talk about it and Patchou did change/add something regarding that. But if so, it surely isn't customizable like the delay for auto-singing in....

Check the version history and change logs, maybe you can find some talk about it there....
=> EDIT: didn't find a thing myself....

EDIT: the only thing Plus! can do regarding this (remotely) is setting your personalised status back to what it was (see Patchou's reply to STATUS..with a mind of it's own !)


PS: the long delay you've experienced can be caused by the fact that MSN Messenger could not sign you in within 20 minutes, but needed 4 tries (every 5 minutes or so) to do it... So, it could be that instead of "a crazy randomly bug which for no reason decided it will wait 20 minutes to sign you back in"...

This post was edited on 06-20-2005 at 06:58 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-20-2005 06:49 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Am I just not looking properly or is it not possible to remove the "reconnect time" - by jin11 on 06-20-2005 at 05:56 PM
RE: Am I just not looking properly or is it not possible to remove the "reconnect time" - by King For A Day on 06-20-2005 at 05:57 PM
RE: Am I just not looking properly or is it not possible to remove the "reconnect tim - by jin11 on 06-20-2005 at 06:25 PM
RE: Am I just not looking properly or is it not possible to remove the "reconnect tim - by CookieRevised on 06-20-2005 at 06:49 PM
RE: Am I just not looking properly or is it not possible to remove the "reconnect time" - by jin11 on 06-21-2005 at 01:24 AM

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