RE: Words that begin with Ex
ex exall excathedra exdirectory exdividend exgambler exgratia exhusband exlegal exlibris exmayor exnihilo exofficio exparte expresident exrights exserviceman exspouse exvivo exvoto exworks exa exabyte exacerbate exacerbating exacerbation exacerbescence exact exacta exacted exacter exacting exaction exactitude exactly exactness exactor exactress exacuate exacum exaeretodon exaggerate exaggerated exaggeratedly exaggerating exaggeration exaggerative exaggerator exaggeratory exagitate exalbuminous exalt exaltate exaltation exalted exalter exalting exam examen examinable examinant examinate examination examinator examine examined examinee examiner examining examplary example exampleless exampler exams exanguious exanimate exanimation exanimous exannulate exanthem exanthema exanthemata exanthematic exanthematous exanthesis exantlate exantlation exarate exaration exarch exarchate exarillate exarticulate exarticulation exasperate exasperated exasperater exasperating exasperatingly exasperation exaspidean exauctorate exauctoration exaugural exaugurate exauthorate exauthoration exauthorize exboyfriend exc excalation excalibur excandescence excandescent excantation excarnate excarnation excarnification excaudate excavate excavated excavating excavation excavator excecate excecation excedent exceed exceedable exceeded exceeder exceeding exceedingly excel excelled excellence excellency excellent excellently excelling excelsior excentral excentric except excepted excepting exception exceptionable exceptional exceptionally exceptious exceptive exceptless exceptor excerebration excerebrose excern excernent excerp excerpt excerpted excerpting excerption excerptor excess excessive excessively excessiveness exch exchange exchangeability exchangeable exchanged exchanger exchanges exchanging exchequer excide excimer excipient exciple excipulum excisable excise excised exciseman excising excision excitability excitable excitableness excitant excitate excitation excitative excitator excitatory excite excited excitedly excitement exciter exciting excitingly exciton excitor excl exclaim exclaimed exclaimer exclaiming exclamation exclamative exclamatory exclave exclosure exclude excluded excluding exclusion exclusionary exclusionism exclusionist exclusions exclusive exclusively exclusiveness exclusivism exclusivist exclusivity exclusory excoct excogitate excogitation excommune excommunicable excommunicate excommunicated excommunicating excommunication excommunicator excoriable excoriate excoriated excoriating excoriation excorticate excortication excreable excreate excreation excrement excremental excrementitial excrementitious excrescence excrescency excrescent excreta excrete excreted excretin excreting excretion excretive excretory excruciable excruciate excruciating excruciatingly excruciation excubation excubitorium exculpate exculpated exculpating exculpation exculpatory excurrent excursion excursionist excursive excursus excusable excusably excusation excusator excusatory excuse excused excuseless excuser excusing excuss excussion exe exeat exec execrable execrabl execrate execration execrative execratory exect exection executable executant execute executed executer executing execution executioner executive executor executorial executorship executory executress executrix exedra exegesis exegete exegetic exegetical exegetics exegetist exempla exemplar exemplarily exemplariness exemplarity exemplary exemplification exemplified exemplifier exemplify exemplifying exemplum exempt exempted exemptible exempting exemption exemptions exemptitious exenterate exenteration exequatur exequial exequies exequy exercent exercisable exercise exercised exerciser exercising exercitation exercycle exergonic exergue exert exerted exerting exertion exesion exestuation exeter exeunt exfetation exfiltration exfoliate exfoliated exfoliating exfoliation exfoliative exhalable exhalant exhalation exhale exhaled exhalement exhaling exhaust exhausted exhauster exhaustibility exhaustible exhausting exhaustion exhaustive exhaustively exhaustless exhaustment exhedra exheredate exheredation exhibit exhibited exhibiter exhibiting exhibition exhibitioner exhibitionism exhibitionist exhibitionistic exhibitive exhibitor exhibitory exhilarant exhilarate exhilarated exhilarating exhilaration exhort exhortation exhortative exhortatory exhorted exhorter exhorting exhumation exhume exhumed exhuming exiccate exiccation exigence exigency exigent exigenter exigible exiguity exiguous exile exiled exilement exilic exiling exilition exility eximious exinanite exinanition exine exist existed existence existent existential existentialism existentialist existing exists exit exmoor exmouth exo exobiology exocarp exoccipital exocentric exocoetidae exocrine exoculate exocyclic exocycloida exocytosis exod exode exodic exodontia exodontic exodontics exodontist exodus exody exoenzyme exoergic exogamic exogamous exogamy exogen exogenetic exogenic exogenote exogenous exogyra exolete exolution exolve exomphalos exon exonerate exonerated exonerating exoneration exonerative exons exonuclease exonumia exopathic exopeptidase exophoria exophthalmia exophthalmic exophthalmos exophthalmus exophthalmy exophyllous exoplasm exopodite exoptable exopterygota exoptile exorbitance exorbitant exorbitantly exorbitate exorcise exorcised exorciser exorcising exorcism exorcist exorcize exordial exordium exorhiza exornation exortive exosculate exoskeletal exoskeleton exosmose exosmosis exosphere exospore exosporium exossation exosstate exostome exostosis exoteric exotery exotheca exothermal exothermic exotic exotica exoticism exoticness exotoxin exotropia exp expand expandable expanded expander expanding expanse expansibility expansible expansile expansion expansionary expansionism expansionist expansive expansively expansiveness expansivity expat expatiate expatiation expatriate expatriated expatriating expatriation expect expectable expectance expectancy expectant expectantly expectation expectations expectative expected expectedly expectedness expecter expecting expectorant expectorants expectorate expectorated expectorating expectoration expectorative expede expediate expedience expediency expedient expediential expediently expeditate expedite expedited expeditely expediting expedition expeditionary expeditions expeditious expeditiously expeditiousness expeditive expel expellable expelled expellee expeller expelling expend expendable expended expender expending expenditure expense expensed expenseless expenses expensive expensively expensiveness experience experienced experiencer experiencing experiential experientialism experiment experimental experimentalism experimentally experimentation experimented experimenter expert expertise expertly expertness experts expetible expiable expiate expiated expiating expiation expiator expiatory expilation expirable expiration expiratory expire expired expiring expiry expiscate expiscation expiscatory explain explainable explained explainer explaining explanate explanation explanative explanatory explant explantation expletion expletive expletory explicable explicate explicated explicating explication explicative explicator explicatory explicit explicitly explicitness explode exploded explodent exploder exploding exploit exploitation exploitative exploited exploiter exploitive exploits explorate exploration explorative explorator exploratory explore explored explorement explorer explorers exploring explosion explosive explosively explosives expo expoliation expolish exponent exponential exponentially exponentiation export exportability exportable exportation exported exporter exporting exports exposal expose exposed exposedness exposer exposing exposit exposition expositive expositor expository expostulate expostulating expostulation expostulator expostulatory exposture exposure expos� expound expounded expounder expounding express expressage expressed expressible expressing expression expressional expressionism expressionist expressionistic expressionless expressions expressive expressively expressiveness expressivity expressly expressman expresso expressure expressway exprobrate exprobration expropriate expropriated expropriation expugn expugnable expugnation expugner expulse expulsion expulsive expunction expunge expunged expunging expurgate expurgated expurgating expurgation expurgator expurgatorial expurgatory expurge expy exquire exquisite exquisitely exquisiteness exquisitive exrerience exsanguinate exsanguination exsanguine exsanguineous exsanguinity exsanguinous exsanguious exscind exscribe exscript exscutellate exsect exsert exserted exsertile exsiccant exsiccate exsiccated exsiccation exsiccator exsolution exspuition exstipulate exstrophy exsuccous exsuction exsudation exsufflate exsufflation exsufflicate exsuscitate exsuscitation ext extance extancy extant extasy extatic extemporal extemporanean extemporaneous extemporaneously extemporarily extemporary extempore extemporiness extemporisation extemporise extemporization extemporize extemporizer extend extendable extended extendedly extender extendible extending extendlessness extensibility extensible extensibleness extensile extension extensional extensionality extensions extensive extensively extensiveness extensometer extensor extent extenuate extenuated extenuating extenuation extenuator extenuatory exterior exteriority exteriorization exteriorize exteriorly exterminable exterminate exterminated exterminating extermination exterminator exterminatory extermine extern external externalisation externalise externalism externalities externality externalization externalize externally externe exteroception exteroceptive exteroceptor exterraneous exterritorial exterritoriality extersion extill extillation extimulate extimulation extinct extinction extine extinguish extinguishable extinguished extinguisher extinguishing extinguishment extirp extirpable extirpate extirpated extirpating extirpation extirpator extogenous extol extolled extoller extolling extolment exton extorsive extort extorted extorter extorting extortion extortionary extortionate extortionately extortioner extortionist extortious extra extrabranchial extracapsular extracellular extrachromosomal extracorporeal extracranial extract extractable extracted extractible extractiform extracting extraction extractive extractor extracurricular extradictionary extraditable extradite extradited extraditing extradition extrados extradural extraembryonic extrafoliaceous extraforaneous extragalactic extrageneous extrahepatic extrajudicial extralegal extralimitary extralinguistic extralogical extramarital extramission extramundane extramural extraneous extraneousness extranet extranuclear extraordinaire extraordinarily extraordinariness extraordinary extraparochial extraphysical extrapolate extrapolated extrapolation extraprofessional extraprovincial extrapyramidal extraregular extras extrasensory extrastapedial extrasystole extraterrestrial extraterritorial extraterritoriality extratropical extraught extrauterine extravagance extravagancy extravagant extravagantly extravagantness extravaganza extravagate extravagation extravaginal extravasate extravasation extravascular extravenate extraversion extravert extraverted extreat extreme extremely extremism extremist extremities extremity extremum extricable extricate extricated extricating extrication extrinsic extrinsical extrorse extrospective extricable extricate extricated extricating extrication extrinsic extrinsical extrorse extrospective extroversion extroversive extrovert extroverted extrovertish extruct extruction extructive extructor extrude extruded extruding extrusion extrusive extuberance extuberancy extuberant extuberate extumescence exuberance exuberancy exuberant exuberantly exuberate exudate exudation exudative exude exuded exuding exulcerate exulceration exulceratory exult exultance exultancy exultant exultantly exultation exulted exulting exultingly exundate exundation exuperate exurb exurbia exustion exutory exuvia exuviability exuviae exuvial exuviate exuviation