i get sooo pissed off when i have déjà vu because i tell them ive seen this before and there like nooo you couldnt have and they argue and dis agree and it pisses me off
and once i was watching a tv show i forget wich one at my friends and i saw it before and i predicted 2 of the biggest things that happened and i t5old them other things that happened and then they happened and i went home and my parents were watching the samer show and i told them its a repeat and they kept arguuing and saying its a season premier and nobody has ever seen it and i searched on the net and it was a new show and it pisses me off!
...and when i had my head injury i would make plans with friends to go to like a movie and i thought i made plans but i slightly forgot and wasnt sure and the next day i wasnt sure if i had dreampt it or if i actually did and i asked and there like i dont know
and it made me really confused!!!