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!!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option...
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O.P. RE: RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option...
Originally posted by raceprouk
Originally posted by MoZo1
It's a rar and the SFX archives can be decompressed with your compressing program too. It's not a format. It's an extension. This is the reason why I'am use it. And the decompressors also have the option to remove the sfx module without decompress the file.
And I've tryed to not compress, but I cannot upload more than 200kB
The extension is EXE (which only runs on Windows). So how the hell was I meant to know it's a RAR archive? Do you think I'm some sort of computer psychic? Do you think I have the time to analyse file headers just to find out what format they are?
There's a reason file extensions exist - they're a clue to the format of the file. Just about everyone will see EXE and think 'program'. Not a single one will think 'RAR archive'.
And another thing: even if it was a RAR file, there's no guarantee I could decompress that on Linux. If you really want to compress something, use ZIP - a decompessor exists for pretty much any system.

So there is no rar decompressor for Linux? Nex time zip then, sry. But I think, sfx is good: any program what could decompress the packed file is able to remove the self-decompressor. And there are a lot of ppl who only know exe...
And you don't need to see the headers because I've wrote down that it's compressed. And you can see the icon if you dl this, that tells it too.
Those people NEVER said Plus! contains spyware at all!

FYI, Microsoft is a very big company and consist of different devisions, the devision responsable for Microsoft AntiSpyware are not the same people who are responsable for MSN Messenger.

Please, get your facts strait before flaming people (yes even people/devisions from Microsoft)
Maybe. But I wouldn't prefer to eat this.
Maybe you should stop flaming and think for a minute. Without that team you wouldn't have any MSN Messenger at all. And you let it seem like adding the things you request are very trivial and easy and that the programmers are simply lazy. Maybe you should learn how to program things for yourself so you'll see it is not that "trivial" at all...
I've seen other mesaging programs and almost everyone is better. Why ppl use MSN? Because it's compatible with windows messenger comming with windows. Same why ppls use IE. This is what I dislike: they use their market power instead of programing. Same thing what I hate in the spyware thing.
No!! This demonstrates how some people fail to see that support teams do their best to answer (sometimes very vague) questions from users. And how some users rather flame the support than seeing that they were asking the wrong things in the first place...

They didn't do anything wrong, MoZo1. They answered your questions perfectly... In fact if you would have asked these question on here, you most likely got the very same responses (but less detailed).

This whole issue will (and has) backfired at you, everybody can see by reading those mails that the support team isn't the one to blame here...

Anyways, that's all one thing... another thing is the way you now flame and talk and call those people names and accuse them for the dirt on the street. Sorry, but with this whole issue you lost my respect deeply, new member or not.
I really tought that I could have some connection problem, but the MSN hadn't gave me any error msg. I tought if the would removed this, they would remove the option too and not grey it out.
I think, this demonstrate that this was an exact question about an option and the could only send back prewrited messages without brain. But this is why the mail is here: everybody can think what he want.

Here is the all think in zip if you need, but I think, I would prefer the html with broken links. Text file would broke the formating and you couldn't see what I did.

This post was edited on 10-11-2005 at 12:06 AM by MoZo1.
[Image: MoZo1_siggy.jpg]
10-10-2005 11:58 PM
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Messages In This Thread
!!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by MoZo1 on 09-29-2005 at 09:10 AM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by RaceProUK on 09-29-2005 at 11:55 AM
RE: RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by MoZo1 on 09-29-2005 at 04:07 PM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by ~INVASION~ on 09-29-2005 at 12:40 PM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by CookieRevised on 10-10-2005 at 10:39 AM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by RaceProUK on 10-10-2005 at 01:47 PM
RE: RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by MoZo1 on 10-10-2005 at 11:58 PM
RE: RE: RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by CookieRevised on 10-11-2005 at 01:59 AM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by Lou on 10-11-2005 at 12:59 AM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by MoZo1 on 10-11-2005 at 03:20 AM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by RaceProUK on 10-12-2005 at 12:51 PM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by MoZo1 on 10-13-2005 at 02:11 AM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by Blair on 10-13-2005 at 06:38 AM
RE: RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by MoZo1 on 10-13-2005 at 09:11 AM
RE: !!! MSN TECH SUPORT !!! and that grey option... - by Blair on 10-13-2005 at 09:55 AM

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