RE: New option at OS Selection Screen
Both start up the same Windows on the same disk on the same partition... but...
- The first one uses an alternative kernel. This means the original kernel has been modified (eg: by some styling program, but it can also be from a virus!)
- The second one is the basic default one.
So it depends on if you know you are running a styling program or not. Or if you ever changed/modified a windows welcome screen and that sort of stuff yourself. If you think you haven't and you aren't running or have runned any styling program, then delete the first.
In case you're running a styling program or have ever modified a welcome screen or other system stuff in Windows, you could delete the second one. Although I do not recommend it as this second line could function as a backup in case kernel1.exe gets corrupted. (you might want to change the text though, to something like: "Microsoft Windows XP Professional (unstyled)" or whatever)
This post was edited on 10-13-2005 at 01:34 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.