I'm sorry, Anubis, but that warning is certainly not off topic and has got everything to do with the article and isn't confussing at all...
May I suggest you reread especially the last part of that article? It goes how Sony makes updates in their firmware. This is, as I said earlier, in direct connection with the people trying to hack it to keep their custom stuff going. In order to do this they need to downgrade. Downgrading with the wrong hack can cause your PSP to turn into nothing more than a brick.
For all you know, the article could have easly mentionned all this also in one go. And FYI, many articles you'll find on the net about this new 2.5 version do exactly that, they also mention the trojan...
Originally posted by Anubis
It's just talking about the new features you can get from upgrading, not downgrading. Even though the topic is kind of similar, hacking a PSP and getting a firmware upgrade are two entirely seporate things.
No, read the last part especilly which goes about WHY they've updated to a new version. If that paragraph isn't clear enough, I'd suggest to look at the many other atricles about it which go in even more detail about this and tell you exactly why my warning was very on-topic.
Originally posted by msg_plus_freak
Hackers have been running emulators, pirated games and other software on version 1.50 PSPs. Sony updated to 2.00 to address this, but those clever hackers then discovered a way to revert 2.00 firmware to 1.50.
that sentence alone justifies perfectly the important warning I posted!
It is not remotely similar, it is dead on on-topic.
(unlike all these posts after it)