O.P. dvd decoder
i have searched on google for a free dvd decoder for my computer, but i can not find one that will work correctly. I have tried Nvidia's free trial dvd decoder but when i go through setup it asks for a serial number and stuff like that when it never gave me the info to put in there when it is a trial version. then i tried dvd x utilities and i installed that which wa a decoder and a dvd player...it all went fine until i tried to play a dvd when it just froze, so i couldnt use that. then i found somthing called dvd decoder for windows xp.msi so i installed that and it did completely nothing. and i also have this program that came with one of my computers called windvd 2000 but i dont have the serial number any more because they came in these paper thin cd cases that had the serial number on them but u threw them away 3 years ago not know what they were. so wher can i find a dvd decoder that is free? thanks to whoever can help me.