O.P. RE: MessengerPlusWnd_Manager Problem
Hey thanx patchou for answer first..
Already my logs are to d:\my documents, but i believe that the problem its not Messenger Plus.
As i can not live without Messenger Plus i just reinstalled and after that i disable toaster from winamp...
Until now it's doing fine, tomorrow if i can remember it, i will listen a cd and even i will eject the cd when winamo is playing (the very first time that the error comes to me was in this way, when i eject the cd without bearing in mind that i was listening music from the CD ROM)...
Anyway Patchou your software it's simple amazing, here in my country (Dominican Republic) i have recomended the software to a lot of people, indeed i must be responsible direct and indirect for more than thousand users of Messenger Plus...Beyond a MSN Messenger Addon..
When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always long to return.
— Leonardo da Vinci