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A few suggestions...
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Wink  RE: A few suggestions...
Originally posted by hs398
1. With contacts placed on the desktop, It could have a white (or otherwise designated) color background, and when they sign on it could have another color.  Also the other options could be changed if someone signs on.
Suggestion is nice, but also a bit useless since the buddy emoticon already indicates the different statusses of your contacts...

Originally posted by hs398
2. In preferences> Notifications> Sounds, it displays the people on your list and you can change their sound. But you can only use sound files. It would be a good idea to support sounds from the sound library.
I don't agree. Simply because this will cause serious bandwidth problems. Not only for the Plus! servers, but also for you since you constantly need to check/connect to the Plus! sound servers.

If you want to use a custom sound, simply download the sound so it is in your local sound library. Then copy the .dat file from your custom sound directory on your computer to a place where you store your sounds used for these custom sound notifications and rename the file to .mp3...

Originally posted by hs398
3. With the personalized status option, you are forced to choose busy, away, etc. It would be nice if you could also set a status while remaining "Online", that way you can show you're available while still showing a status.
Example: I'm online, and I want to play poker. I want to set my status, but poker doesnt require my full attention, so I don't want to be marked as Busy. I remain in online mode but with the personalized status showing others that I am playing poker.
This has been requested already lately and there is a dedicated thread about this.

The main argument I see against this is that if you want to customize your status like you said, it doesn't make any sense to set your msn messenger status to "online". If you wanna play poker your are _not_ completely available aka "online", you are in fact "away", "busy", or whatever...

see "*Suggestion*"...

Originally posted by hs398
4. In Preferences> General Options > Misc, there is an option to automatically change the status after a period of inactivity. I think you should have the option to mark "Do not change if I am already in a Personalized Status".
Example: My status is "Watching A DVD Movie". My status will automaticaly change to "Asleep/AFK" after only 30 minutes. So while I'm watching, people will think I am not there, when in reality I'm just watching a movie, and I haven't moved the mouse for more than 30 minutes. But if I check the box, then it will not change my personal status.
There is an advanced registry option so the auto-away/idle will only kick in when you're status is "online". See the official help pages, specifically http://www.msgplus.net/help_registry.php and the AutoAwayAlways setting...

Originally posted by hs398
5. In the Sounds panel, there should be customizable sections where you can make a list of your favorite sounds, or group some together.
Already requested and on Patchou's list of ideas. But it is however not so simple to add custom categories. When Patchou has found a solid solution, he might do it...

This said, this goes for "categories" as they currently exist, aka: a sound can only be in 1 given category at the time.

If you meant adding sounds in multiple categories as in the normal main category _and_ also in a custom category, then this is a new suggestion. Nevertheless, such a thing (and thus an addition to normal custom categories) must be well thought of to make it solid.

But I'm sure one day, in a futur Plus! version, this will be included in one way or the other...

Originally posted by hs398
Just doing my best to help, that is the duty of a user!
indeed (Y) ;)

This post was edited on 10-27-2005 at 11:35 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
10-27-2005 11:34 PM
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Messages In This Thread
A few suggestions... - by hs398 on 10-25-2005 at 08:25 PM
RE: A few suggestions... - by aC23 on 10-27-2005 at 04:37 AM
RE: A few suggestions... - by Discrate on 10-27-2005 at 06:21 AM
RE: A few suggestions... - by DJKAL on 10-27-2005 at 07:32 AM
RE: A few suggestions... - by hs398 on 10-27-2005 at 06:25 PM
RE: A few suggestions... - by CookieRevised on 10-27-2005 at 11:34 PM
RE: A few suggestions... - by *Nena* on 07-09-2006 at 01:50 AM

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