I need a quick script for the amount of usersonline
// Configuration
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuser = "[to-add]"; // MySQL Username
$dbpass = "[to-add]"; // MySQL Password
$dbname = "[to-add]"; // Database Name
$timeoutseconds = 1200; // length of session, 20 minutes is the standard
$ip = substr($REMOTE_ADDR, 0, strrpos($REMOTE_ADDR,"."));
// Connect to MySQL Database
@mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("No db");
// Add this user to database
$loopcap = 0;
while ($loopcap<3 && @mysql_query("insert into useronline values('$timestamp','$ip','$PHP_SELF')"))
{ // in case of collision
$timestamp = $timestamp+$ip{0}; $loopcap++;
// Delete users that have been online for more then "$timeoutseconds" seconds
@mysql_query("delete from useronline where timestamp<$timeout");
// Select users online
$result = @mysql_query("select distinct ip from useronline");
$user = @mysql_num_rows($result);
// Show all users online
if ($user==1) {echo $user.' user online';} else {echo $user.' users online';}
I was using that but my new hosts server does not use it right.
It can be mysql stored or txt file stored I do not care, if anyone could make thid quick script I would appciate it