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Important notice when saving data in your plugin
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O.P. RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin
Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
It's a good idea, and suggestion.. But I doubt this will be taking as a serious note.. :(.. I don't think many developers wants to do this... And the easiest place to have a plugin save it's data is in the same folder as the program is installed.. That's pure sense...
IMHO (But this is probably beacuse i'm running without user accounts and the likes) I hate when other programs put loads of shit into my documents and settings, and Application Data... I just HATE it... I don't want random programs to store random things a place like that.. If I decide to install my program to my d drive because i'm in lack of harddrive space on my c drive (or any other reason), then this program is supposed to stay and only use space on my d drive... No where else... This is just my view and probably only because of the way I use my computer and orginise my shit on my hard drives...
Though, I see the problem that plugins migt not be able to write to the "Program Files" dir... Though why don't you just install messenger plus a place where the users have access to write to?... Messenger Plus have an option to change installation path... And all plugins makes sure they are installed in this path and saves their data their.. This kinda eliminates your problem...
Anyways.. Your suggestion is still good and developers should really listen to it, this is the way WinXP is build... But then again, we would then have to make extra code to be backwards compatible with the older windows, since they don't have the same kinds of Application Data folder...
This was not ment to be rant or anything.. Was just that coders have to think about the consequences before they act... :)

Yes, you made a point there. I was only thinking from the win XP point of view because this is the ways most applications should work in XP (save its data to Application data). What I thought was something like this:
- a user would change to the admin account (i think this is done by only 1% of the people that use windows because most people use an account that has administration rights, I admit that i'm also one of those that does this)
- normally people install their programs to the program's default dir in msgplus case it would be "program files\messenger plus! 3\", then they'd install plus
- plugins are normally installed to the plugin's folder inside plus directory, so this would require the plugin to be installed with admin rights.
- plugin's data would be saved to the Application Data dir without any problems.

Of course people could do what you said, install plus to an user accessible folder or just only the plugin, but this could cause problems for users sharing the same computer if only one user had access to that directory.

There's also the solution of saving the data in registry but if it's too much data, it should go into file(s).

Maybe my approach to the problem wasn't the best but developers should think of this because of people with multiple users in one computer (permission to write a file in a dir) and there are some plugins that don't allow to choose a directory when installing.

Hope it's more clear now :)

This post was edited on 11-07-2005 at 06:04 PM by n0n4m3.
11-07-2005 06:02 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by n0n4m3 on 11-07-2005 at 03:21 PM
RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by (CyBeRDuDe) on 11-07-2005 at 05:02 PM
RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by matty on 11-07-2005 at 05:37 PM
RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by Tobiaz on 11-07-2005 at 05:49 PM
RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by CookieRevised on 11-07-2005 at 05:58 PM
RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by n0n4m3 on 11-07-2005 at 06:02 PM
RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by (CyBeRDuDe) on 11-07-2005 at 08:45 PM
RE: RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by CookieRevised on 11-07-2005 at 09:29 PM
RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by GazzX_112 on 11-08-2005 at 07:19 AM
RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by (CyBeRDuDe) on 11-08-2005 at 05:48 PM
RE: Important notice when saving data in your plugin - by Dempsey on 11-08-2005 at 09:09 PM

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