Originally posted by ~INVASION~
you know your addicted, when you do it by yourself, if you go have a smoke and knobody is with you, your addicted. I dont get addicted to things, i can quit at any time which i did, doesnt mean i still wont feel the side effects from not having the regular. and yes pur, im not gonna get into this either cause i dont wanna be shunned upon
the hell LMFAO! i dont wanna make you feal bad dude, im not trying to put u down or anything but the "u know your adicted" part is kind of stupid. So if you drink beer alone? does that meen your an alcoholic too? No way in hell. You know when ur adicted when you suck cock for pot. And that part about you dont get adicted to things.. i find that theoreticly imposible.
Theres a big difrance between bieng physicly adicted and psycologicaly adicted. Bieng Psycologicaly adicted is when you just love doing it so much.. you have pasion for it.. like me bieng adicted with sertain games i play. Bieng phisicly adicted is when you wanna stop but you get urges.
So I thin I said this wrong.. what I ment was "You cannot get phisicly adicted to pot" like you can with tabacco heroine or crack.
I smoke it alone all the time when ever I want becuz I dont like my friends pinching weed off me and taking it home with them. I smoke it alone becuz sometmes i need to let go of my thoughts (let go of the worries) the only time i would smoke with some one is when i wanna do something stupid with them, like light our soxs on fire.