RE: Im a newbie at programing.
Visual Basics is most likely the easiest language to learn, and I do beleive you are very capable of learning it. The only problem with Visual Basics is that it is not as powerful as other languages. (but I like to say everything it possible, its just harder to accomplish) I code in VB6.
C or C++ are more powerful langauges but are harder, although if you plan on moving up eventually, you should start from one of these as Visual Basics will teach you all the wrong ways of doing things.
Java is a powerful language but it is extremly slow and requires files be installed on the computer for it to run properly. Java can run on all operating systems without changing the code (an advantage for most developers).
There are also languages like Delphi, but I dont know much about them.
To sum it all up....VB is easy but less powerful; C is hard but more powerful; Java can run on all operating systems but its real slow.
This post was edited on 11-21-2005 at 03:40 AM by dotNorma.