There is no need to use tools to clear your RAM. I keep my pc on for about 2 months continously somtimes, and i do alot of memory consuming things on it. I never use such RAM tools and the only reason i need to reboot is because new installed software wants me too.
Like madman said:
Originally posted by Madman
when you end a process everything it stored in the memory is removed.
RAM cleaners like the one in TweakXP will give you more free memory, but there are downsides to that too. Most of the memory cleaners will fill up your entire RAM before they clean it, slowing your pc down for a few seconds.
And remember that free ram in unused ram, and unused ram is useless ram. Looks at unix systems, ram is almost always used to the max on such systems, nothing bas with that.
If you do want to give it a try, i'll suggest
FreeRAM XP Pro. This is a simple to use, but good memory cleaner and it's free