Private Sub oMessenger_OnIMWindowCreated(ByVal pIMWindow As Object) Handles oMessenger.OnIMWindowCreated
Dim newBtn As Object
Dim imhwnd As System.IntPtr
newBtn = New FragMsnIMButton ' create a copy of FragMsnIMButton
imhwnd = pIMWindow.hwnd
Me.Parent = SetParent(newBtn.btnFrag.hwnd, imhwnd)
GetWindowRect(pIMWindow.hwnd, R)
newBtn.btnFrag.left = R.Height - 200 'Moving the textbox under the display picture
newBtn.btnFrag.right = R.Width - 100
End Sub
I have one problem here, when I open a IM window, the code executes untill
imhwnd = pIMWindow.hwnd
executes this last line, shows the window, and then stops executing the rest of the code...
Any ideas?