Well, the 2 monitors i have enters standby mode after 5 seconds of no-signal, i was reading the user's manual of one of them and is just as rav0 said:
Originally posted by rav0
However, letting the monitor turn itself off, after the connected computer has been turned off completely, will use very little power, close to none, and this course of usage is recomended by manufacturers including BenQ, LiteON and Samsung, whether leaving you computer on and inattended for an extended period of time, or leaving it off.
Indeed, it might use some power but for some reason the monitors turns their system off after a period of inactivity, wich obviously will be for save a lot of energy when not in use.
And another question, barely related to all of this, how much energy uses a 17" monitor (CRT) and how much an LCD? A lot of people told me CRTs uses a very crazy amount of energy, wich is the main reason of high amount of $ in bills