Originally posted by YottabyteWIzard
Well, the 2 monitors i have enters standby mode after 5 seconds of no-signal, i was reading the user's manual of one of them and is just as rav0 said
I never questionned what rav0 said, I added to what he said.
Originally posted by YottabyteWIzard
Indeed, it might use some power but for some reason the monitors turns their system off after a period of inactivity, wich obviously will be for save a lot of energy when not in use.
Indeed. But as I said before, to save even more energy it is best to turn the monitor completely off.
It will never be stated or recommended, in any manual, to always keep your monitor powered on (and thus in standby) when you leave your computer unattended for a
long period of time.
Originally posted by YottabyteWIzard
And another question, barely related to all of this, how much energy uses a 17" monitor (CRT) and how much an LCD (sic: an "LCD" is also a monitor. The word "monitor" does not say anything about the type of monitor)? A lot of people told me CRTs uses a very crazy amount of energy, wich is the main reason of high amount of $ in bills
It very highly depends on type of monitor, manufacture, size of monitor, age of the monitor, etc... etc...
But on average an LCD uses more or less 30% to 50% less power. If a CRT uses 150W/30W, then a LCD uses 60W in active mode and 5W in standby...
Also, the power consumption curve for a CRT increases more rapidly than for an LCD when you look at the size of the monitor. This means the difference between a 21" LCD and a 21"CRT is bigger than between a 17"LCD and a 17" CRT.