Ok heres the whole function. This is for a WinSock control. This is the DataArrival function.
Now what I'm trying to do is set up sort of a proxy thing where I set my IE or FireFox to proxy and it connects to my program. Now if a URL with a TLD of .in2 is typed it will search through the database list and find the location of that .in2. For example I type this in IE: www.test.in2. Now my program will see thats its an .in2 so then now it will look up test.in2 in the database list and find the location of the site. Then it sends the information back to the browser to load the correct page. So far it works preaty good but when ever I try and access a site that is the last item on the database list I get that runtime error.
I'm not sure if you will understand what I just typed. I'll be glad to send you my project files because I think that may be more of a help. Any ways the code below is the code thats responsible for checking if its a .in2, looking it up in the list, then sending info back to browser. And it also will allow any normal sites like .com to pass right through.
The code it said it had the error on was:
List1.ListIndex = List1.ListIndex + 1
Private Sub srvIn_DataArrival(Index As Integer, ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim sckData As String ' Socket data
Dim remHost As String ' What is the remote host ?
Dim tarSite As String ' What site is the proxy user requesting ?
Dim unfSite As String ' Same as above but unformated!
Dim websitein2 As String
Dim tmpb As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim s As String
' Add to log
AddLog "SrvIn", "Data arrived (" & Index & ")"
' Get the data
srvIn(Index).GetData sckData, vbString, bytesTotal
' Get the targeted site (unformated)
unfSite = FetchRequestedPage(sckData)
' Fetch the remote host
remHost = GetHttpVars(sckData, "Host")
' Check if a url/host has been fetched so we can confirm that it is http traffic
If IsEmpty(unfSite) Or IsEmpty(remHost) Then UnloadProxyUser (Index): Exit Sub
' Fetch the targeted site
tarSite = StripHost(unfSite)
' Log the url visited
'WriteUrlLog (unfSite)
If InStr(unfSite, ".in2") Then
websitein2 = unfSite
If InStr(websitein2, "www.") Then
websitein2 = Replace(websitein2, "www.", "")
End If
If InStr(websitein2, "http://") Then
websitein2 = Replace(websitein2, "http://", "")
End If
If InStr(websitein2, "/") Then
websitein2 = Replace(websitein2, "/", "")
End If
List1.ListIndex = 0
For a = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1
If InStr(List1, websitein2) Then
s = ""
s = s + Mid$(List1, InStrRev(List1, "-") + 2)
s = Replace(s, "http://", "")
List1.ListIndex = List1.ListIndex + 1
End If
Next a
' Update http request
sckData = Replace(sckData, GetDomain(unfSite), "/")
sckData = Replace(sckData, remHost, s)
sckData = Replace(sckData, "Proxy-Connection:", "Connection:")
' Set the data
ProxyUsers(Index).ProxyUserData = sckData
' Set remote host
ProxyUsers(Index).ProxyRequHost = s
' Init a connection to retrive the data
MakeProxyConnection (Index)
' Unload the user
UnloadProxyUser (Index)
GoTo endit
End If
' Update http request
sckData = Replace(sckData, GetDomain(unfSite), "/")
sckData = Replace(sckData, "Proxy-Connection:", "Connection:")
' Set the data
ProxyUsers(Index).ProxyUserData = sckData
' Set remote host
ProxyUsers(Index).ProxyRequHost = remHost
' Init a connection to retrive the data
MakeProxyConnection (Index)
' Unload the user
UnloadProxyUser (Index)
Exit Sub
End Sub