Yes, it's per month, but many people I know have a 2GB cap which is much much worse. I'd agree Britain is quite unfortunate for broadband, it is a little overpriced. I'm finding that I download less programs, but more tv shows now, and I can keep just under 5gb a month. It's a pain in the arse and I'd love an uncapped service. I also read on that Britain is beginning to become the most traffic intensive user of the internet. To put my data useage into comparison - my friend is on telewest for (I think) £29.99/month and does about 100GB transfer in a month. Some of this goes on seeding, but a lot on gaming and downloading. I manage to polay quite a bit of cs 1.6 and stay under my limit, and if I go over, rather than experience a worse service, I'm charged an extra £2 per GB.