omg... the dudes from bulldog have just called us three times (within the space of ten mins!!)... each one not knowing Bulldog had phoned previously...
its still wierd how they got our phone number, we have never even considered them before!!
EDIT: thanks for the info abso, ill look inot it a bit more.... they seem a bit too pushy to be honest...
Originally posted by telephone convo between bulldog and my mum
"any intelligent person would understand this is a great offer and would sign up today as the offer ends on monday... although you'll have to wait for your BT line to be upgraded for a month or two"
"dont patronise me or try and push me into an offer, ive told you three times i am an intelligent person but i will always consult my husband when making descisions like this, now if you want to ph-"
"but the offer ends on monday, if you dont sign up now you'll loose this amazing de-"
<hangs up>