O.P. RE: LCD TV Questions
Sorry i must of replied while you were editing to make your larger post so it might of seemed like i ignored what you added. i have come back and read it all again and appreciate the effort you have gone into in your posts. The quality of your answers throughout this forum are excellent and definately makes you a much valued member.
The laptop in question does vga out for a monitor as well as s-video (which i have been using on the old tv).
It also has another output labelled expansion port 2 (note this is not the pcmcia slot) which i am not familiar with. i take it it is for a printer etc although it is much thinner than the usual parallel port etc.
anyway, hopefully ill find some good specials today when i go shopping. your replies have been extremely helpful. I think ill do as you initially said and look for the best value/quality set rather than requirements such as pc input, as you mentioned the quality is marginal (if any).
One more thing, i have noticed some of the top models have the new technology hdmi input for up and coming technology. these however are the more expensive sets (mostly out of my price range). I was just wondering if, considering i plan to have this tv for a long time, i am not doing myself any favours by not including inputs for new technology. or is this something that will slowly be phased in and as such is not that important unless i am some big movie buff that will do anything for the perfect picture quality?
Thankyou once again
This post was edited on 07-14-2006 at 01:58 AM by Dan0208.