RE: custom statuses/desktop contacts
personally i haven't encountered this problem, however lets look at it a sec.
you said that if you remove some desktop contacts it decreases the frequency of the crashes. i would say then that desktop contacts must obviously make messenger take up more space in active memory, now couple that with messengers inherant memory leaks, now then my guess would be you dont have an overly powerful computer so when messenger takes up all that active memory your computer isnt powerful enough to process all that information so it often results in messenger crashing, as your number of desktop contacts decreases so too does the amount of active memory messenger is using and thus your frequency of crashes decreases.
my suggestion for fixing this would be either reduce the number of desktop contacts until crash frequency reaches acceptable levels (temporary fix) or buy a more powerful pc that can handle the extreme processing that you require it to do. (permanant fix) hope this helps please let me know how you get on.