O.P. Open mail with Firefox
Yes yes, Stuffplug can do it, for MSN, but not WLM, and the new version has just been unofficially cancelled, Stuffplug 3 will most likely fade into obscurity under the weight of the 'net and I'm left with a plea.
I'm asking if anyone is willing to tackle a simple addon for WLM which would allow the Inbox/Mail notifications/etc to be clicked, and open in Firefox, or even another browser, because if I'm permanently stuck with IE for the rest of my time I just might Revert to 7.5, honestly, so, how about it people? =)
(No, can't do it myself, don't have the knowledge)
Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter,
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down