Originally posted by Chris4
Make Firefox my default browser
"There is currently no solution for Windows Live Messenger, but StuffPlug and the guys over at Mess.be are all working on it!"
Why quote that when they said they pretty much Aren't going to be developing it for a a few Goldfish lifetimes? I can't say I trust a site packed with gifs, strange scripts, and popup ads either, but hopefully it'll be legitimate, nice to know
someone out there is at least trying.
Originally posted by Zahid™
Who said that its dead? its just gonna be delayed just be patient and wait.
*Bites lip* God...You know, I about had the urge to Kick some virtual teeth in for the five months until "Yeah, not gonna happen" finally got posted, "Be patient. Just wait.", ten billion times over, topics closed, people warned, silently I waited, I was patient, three months after "Oh My Gawt PUBLIC BETA" hit the headlines, and now it's essentially been docked.
So no, no thank you, patient is three silent months, by the time it gets done we'll have WLM 9.0.