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Cannot boot into Windows XP after running chkdsk
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O.P. Cannot boot into Windows XP after running chkdsk

My laptop has a Hitachi DK23FB-40 HDD.

After seeing that on the event log "disk" errors saying that my HDD "has a bad block" and after UltimateDefrag says that it can't defrag my disk because it was corrupted, I decided to run chkdsk via the recovery console.

So, I booted from a Windows XP cd, got into the recovery console, and typed "chkdsk c: /r" (/r to fix the bad sectors).
When it finished, it said that it made corrections to the HDD.
So, I typed "exit" to restart the computer.

After getting past the GoBack screen, I only got a black screen.
So, I used GoBack to revert my drive.

After reverting it, when I tried to boot into windows, it said:
Originally posted by Windows
A disk read error has occurred.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.
The same thing kept happening.

So, I used HDD Regenerator. It found & recovered about 15 bad sectors.
I still couldn't boot.

I though about trying to repair windows, but, Windows does not prompt me to repair it.
That's either because:
a) The Windows installation is corrupted, and can't be seen by Windows Setup (but the recovery console can see it)
b) Because I used another Windows cd, than the one I used to install windows (the one I used to install didn't have any SP, but the one I'm currently using has SP2 + some updates slipstreamed)

Is there any way to get back into windows?
Looks like I will have to re-install windows on the same partion?

I can still see & interact with my files using NTFS4DOS, so it means that I will be able to get some of my stuff back.

I tried to copy the my files to a network drive using DOS, but due to DOS using only 640KB of memory, I can't have the three programs required to do this open (NTFS4DOS + TCP/IP Network for DOS + A commander)
Using loadhigh also doesn't seem to do anything.

I'm thinking about using a Ubuntu Live disk to try to transfer all of my files to another computer, and then format that drive...
But I'm not sure about NTFS support... :-/

I can also put the HDD into another computer and then copy the files, but I don't really want to do this...

I knew that this would have happened sooner or later, because, of other things (windows would not boot (BSOD) or windows saying that my profile is corrupted (both things happened sometimes, not always)

Another thing is, that before running chkdsk, I had about 3GB free, and after running it, I had about 5GB free...

Thanks :)
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11-27-2006 01:42 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Cannot boot into Windows XP after running chkdsk - by Mike on 11-27-2006 at 01:42 PM
RE: Cannot boot into Windows XP after running chkdsk - by MeEtc on 11-27-2006 at 01:55 PM
RE: Cannot boot into Windows XP after running chkdsk - by Mike on 11-28-2006 at 04:11 PM
RE: Cannot boot into Windows XP after running chkdsk - by surfichris on 11-29-2006 at 01:44 PM
RE: Cannot boot into Windows XP after running chkdsk - by Mike on 11-29-2006 at 04:25 PM

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