RE: [preview] Messenger Plus Skin!
Actually the toast problem is just because the text isnt set when you create it yourself, if you do Interop.Call('user32', 'SetWindowTextW', YourWnd.Handle, "Title") it will set the TitleBar text and the background will appear (but as i mentioned previously, you cant change this background).
And when removing anything from the window you need to be careful because if it is needed, Plus! will try to set the text or whatever of the control and if you have removed it, the window won't load.
What I guess Plus! does in order:
1. Plus! creates the window hidden
2. It tries setting the text of the control you have removed and an error occurs.
3. It tries making the window visible. (never gets this far because of the error at part 2)
This post was edited on 01-15-2007 at 11:00 AM by Eljay.